Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
You don't have to buy cables and capacitors, unlike some other things.
Financial engineering. Bloody parasites.
Even without any financial engineering they know how to do things. Just recently monthly fees for maintaining business account jumped from $15 to $25 per month without any explanation or extra service. That's Citi Bank. They probably got millions of accounts like that. Chinese tariffs ? Other banks are doing funny things too, there is no competition. And I was thinking about buying some Chinese tubes and a few capacitors. Now I can't afford them. You see what's happening ?

Why so angry?


Dear Frank, I think I just lost control of my ability to click! While I want badly to hear what you have to say and reference, my hand just won't click on a Breitbart link! LOL