Rockport Avior 2 vs Wilson Sasha DAW

I’m consider one of these two speakers, the Rockport Avior 2 and the new Wilson Sasha DAW. My room is 19’ x 25’ with a 20’ ceiling, the room floor plan opens behind me into a kitchen and the rest of the house. I listen at low to moderate levels and usually have to supplement the bass with a sub because of the large space. I listen to jazz, folk, classical full orchestra some old classic rock on rare occasions. I’ve always like the detail of electrostatic speakers but they all have there limitations. Looking for a great all around speaker. I Enjoy both tube and solid gear, currently using solid state spectral. I Have several amp choices from Spectral and Rowland. Just wonder if anyone knows these speakers intimately and can give me some strengths of each and an opinion which you would choose and why. I’ve been researching many other speakers and have come down to these two. Thank you for your thoughts.
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Sasha DAW--One of the best pair of speakers on the market regardless of price. IMHO
“Makes me want to listen”. I like that and I thinks that’s the key here. Regardless of all the technical data,  what sounds real or not. The bottom line is Do I want to sit in front of it and listen.  Who care if it’s accurate, extended etc. the Question is,  do I enjoy listening to it?  
You got it. That's exactly what matters. The system that is musically engaging and involving.
I wonder if the Sasha DAW will make the cut in recommended components A class?  Amazing how many speakers are in that class A category