The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
"Directionality, cryogenics, burn in."
Do cryogenics and burn-in neutralize each other?

Do cryogenics and burn-in neutralize each other?

I do believe they are not done in conjunction but at different times.

Grammatically correct !?

Gosh only correct ? Jeez more like Shakespearean in its depth and ability to address the human condition. A genuine tour-de-force type literary thingee.

However on the logical end of things we do have some can one argue the supremacy of science and yet ascribe divine or supernatural intervention to the result by calling it miraculous. Don't know about youse guys but that kinda smacks of some level of adherence to religionositical thinking akin to blind faith. Like, definitely far away from objectivity and actually smack dab into wholesale subjectivity. Major whoopsie.

So yeah, grammatically correct, but philosophically a definite face-plant. And it was so so close, like he almost got away clean, but for those 10 unfortunate keystrokes that scuppered an entry into the literary hall of fame.