Does anyone know if Michael Farnsworth, founder of Talon Audio, is still around?

I have some questions about the MKII crossover upgrade for the Khorus X.


If you can find Farnsworth, great. If not there is plenty of room for some significant upgrades.

I got in contact with him yesterday.  Thanks for the info on upgrades. I'll probably try some of the things you suggested.

Reference Audio Video in Iowa I believe owns or Talon now - Todd Guerrero.

The current Talon Audio doesn't deal with the older speakers.
I suggest you take the crossover out of the box and build a separate box for the crossover to eliminate vibration.
Upgrade the main wiring from the crossover to all drivers and use larger gauges than what is currently there.  
Reinforce the box to whatever extent is possible. The front face ideally will be “like a rock” - solid and inert. 
You be dancing with the delightful improvements from these upgrades. 
Good luck on this exciting journey and feel free to ask questions :) Pete
The one thing I don’t need to do is reinforce the box. These things are, if anything, over-engineered to a ridiculous degree. I damned near killed myself just getting the speakers down two flights of stairs and into the home theater :)

I’ll definitely be redoing the internal wiring. I just need to do it without breaking the bank. Any recommendations on wire are appreciated. @millercarbon put in a vote for Synergistic Research, and I’ve also had great luck in the past with Analysis Plus.

Cardas sells some excellent wire and may even provide some advice. They also gave great solder.