Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?

I’m really struggling with the direction to take my system. I have the following:

Legacy Classics speakers
Aurender N100H media player
Schiit Freya tube pre-amp
Schiit Yggdrasil DAC
Schiit Vidar x2 (in mono block mode)

I will be replacing speakers at some point but the rest of the system I love... except the Vidars. Before them, I had NAD 356BEE that was used for the amp. Very clean and I loved it, except it was only 80 Watts. I decided to upgrade to the Vidars. They cost twice as much From a good manufacturer like Schiit so they must be better right? Not really. They are more noisy than the NAD amp and I’m finding myself less in love with them that I though I would be. I was planning the Vidar purchase for about a year and now that I got them I don’t know which direction to take in replacing them. I want to get cleaner mono amps but don’t want to spend more than $3k MAX for both. The Vidars are 400 Watts into 8ohm, are there any options out there for me that are close to the Vidar specs? I’m open to used but mostly I want the amps to sound almost completely clean with practically no distortion. 
If your loudspeakers are the original Legacy Classics...they are rated at 4 ohm and 92 db....which pretty much means that with 64 watts, you can easily produce 92 db 10' from the loudspeakers with plenty of headroom for peaks above 92 db.

I owned the Crown XLS 2000...plenty of power, decent low end...somewhat harsh on the top end.

I owned the Nuprime STA9....good low end....nice midrange....somewhat sibilant.

I owned the Parasound Halo replaced by the 23A...really good sounding real weaknesses

I now own the Digital Amplifier 2Cherry...dual mono, single chassis...think Halo A23 but with enhanced clarity that results in more realism, huge soundstage, and great detail.  The basic model is $2400 and probably closer to $2k during their summer sale...and 30 day home trial.  With 400W @ 4ohms and 800@ @ will have more power than you will ever need...and the company is outstanding to deal with.
another vote for quicksilvers - for tube monoblocks - may be able to find a used pair of V4s in that range- I purchased a used pair of M60s 20 years ago and they are still going strong  
A little bit of a budget-buster, but so much better than the budget brands--treat yourself to a pair of Belles Aria monoblocks.
I’m with you all the way about how the best amp shouldn’t cost much. Maybe you can purchase the AVA monos, tell us how they really sound compared to your reference amps and your own product. Then do your tweaks on the AVA and tell us the result.  Better yet, go for the lower power AVA stereo, which at $2200 may sound as good as the monos within its power range, because it is the same circuit.  I wouldn’t spend $5000 for the monos when great class D using Bruno’s module for possibly less money is coming soon.


Mono and balanced are mucho superior to single ended stereo.  The trouble with the AVA stuff is that Frank is anti tweak.  So, if anyone modded his thang he might throw a tantrum......and could you get it serviced?  If anyone wants to send me a pair of the AVA mono SET 600s I would mod them for sure.  However, this is out of this guys price range.