What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?

I'm looking at the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Digital BNC. As well as the Wave High Fidelity Cable and the High Fidelity Reveal BNC and the Black Cat Tron Ditial Cables, respectively.  What do you consider the best Digital BNC cable under $4K?
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Why would a recording studio have any digital cable, even a $10 one? 🤔
I wouldn't spend $4K on any digital cable. But I don't need to.

The best digital cable I've heard (I have the RCA version, but BNC is easily available) is the Oyaide 1.3 meter DR-510 coax cable. It's silver and sounded so much better than others here that I put it IMS & haven't touched it in 3+ yrs.

The BNC version is 1.3 meter DB-510. You can find it on eBay for under $200.

This is really bang for the price.

This one give warm and round sound with deep and wide soundstage.

While Blackcat Silverstar II is pretty good for the price with lot of details, it tend to show slight hard edge.

Now pair of Ram BNC cables are placed between Dave and Mscaler.

I use Sablon Panetta BNC between Jays CDT2 and Lyngdorf 2170( just room correction only ).

I also use Zenwave D4 digital cable between digital output of Lyngdorf and Chord Mscaler.

This combination give best overall sound to balance details and warmness with super wide and deep soundstage.
