Worth of current system

I just did a tally of the cost of my current components.
I wonder if anybody has done the same and wants to reveal.
My total came to around $18,000
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Robelvick added two important categories- what my wife thinks I spent and what I could sell it for, with the former making me smile.  All those cables, tweaks and power conditioners are pretty invisible.  my retail is around $22k, having spent about $17k.  

I also think a reasonable follow on (a question that I believe we all live with) is how much more would I have to spend to make a big jump?  Not just a little improvement, but a big one. I am pretty happy where I am with my sound, and I suspect to make a big jump would cost me at least another $10k, probably more.  At some point cost versus performance has to enter the discussion, no matter if your system is $5k, $25k or $100k.  Just thinking out loud; don’t want to side track the discussion.
Give or take about 17g used, about 39g new. I chose the used option and am quite happy camping in the listening room. Darn thing about this hobby is I'm always looking for that elusive "improvement ".And Audiogon is not helping the budget.
+1 @steakster

Before I responded earlier in the thread I briefly thought about the appropriateness of the question. And I decided that it would be entirely legitimate for someone to try to gain a perspective on how much of a monetary investment those who care about the quality with which music is reproduced in their home tend to make. And another factor I considered is that I know the OP to be of the utmost sincerity when it comes to seeking information here.

On another note, regarding the responses which have been posted thus far: My perception has been that the median of the figures that have been provided is significantly less than might be expected, given all the talk that goes on here about extremely expensive components, cables, and tweaks. Which is interesting, it seems to me.

Best regards,

-- Al

For big jumps I think you should at least double the cost, unless you are very lucky.