Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?

What are the best options in Pure Class A amps above at least 100 watts in 8 ohms? The ones I know of are:

1) Pass Labs XA100.5
2) Pass Labs XA100.8 (and above)
3) Accuphase A-200
4) Soulution 530

Any others? Im trying to keep it under $10K, which the first two options can be had for used.

@cat345 I have a Proceed HPA2 Dual Monaural (a cheap Mark Levinson). It weighs about 100 pounds and delivers 250 watts. Most of the back half of the unit is heat sink.

Don't know whether that helps or not....since I don't know what class amp it is......

Would love to know.
Not with the way those heatsinks are arranged, and they don’t say 300w Class-A. They say 300w into 8ohms which will be a/b with a few watts of Class-A bias.

Again power consumption is rated at 300w, big difference to how much Class-A bias is on them.
M300 - 300 watt monoblocks

Cheers George
They actually do say 300wpc in Class A George. The amps also have a bias switch and the manufacturer states they provide 200 wpc in Class A when the switch is in the low bias position.
The Clayton Audio M-300’s are high current differential True BalancedTM amplifiers using class A design in both the driver and output stage. All gain transistors are operated in their linear region for the smoothest, purest sound reproduction.

There are two levels of bias --- high and low --- for maximum user convenience. The low bias setting can be used when operating the unit in standby or for non-critical listening. Indeed, since the low bias setting still provides class A operation up to 200 watts, you should hear little difference between the settings most of the time. For the absolute highest quality reproduction of dynamic material and the most critical listening, the amplifiers should be set to the high bias level for full class A operation.

Rated power output:
300 Watts continuous rms into 8 ohms in Class A
600 Watts continuous rms into 4 ohms in Class A
They run very hot.

Sorry Mitch you been had, this is A/B what you think is Class-A.

"Class A Operation / Fully Balanced / XLR Inputs Only"
This is not an indication of 300w Class-A.

"300 Watts continuous rms into 8 ohms"
This is an indication of rms watts Class-A/B

"Power Consumption: Low Bias Mode - 300 Watts"
This is the "power consumption", not the Class-A bias

"Power Consumption: High Bias Mode - 800 Watts"
This again is the "power consumption", not the Class-A bias

If this amp had the Class-A bias you think it has it would be the size of a house!!

Here is an example of what heat sinks are needed to have just a 25w Class-A mono block amps with nothing over 25w (no Class-B at all) if it were say 50w of A/B the "heatsink area" for the same 25w of Class-A would more than double.
They are the famous 25w Class-A Mark Levinson ML2 monoblocks, but that’s all they had 25w!!!!

Cheers George