What brand was better than it is today?

What are the brands of speakers or components that were once significantly better than they are today? Polk, Boston Acoustics, Bose?  Keep them coming and explain why!!!
Nostalgia has power.  40+ years of audio and "moments" of great audio stick in my mind...these include many of the manufacturers mentioned above as I wandered about the US audio salons of yore, and many living rooms and now some dedicated sound rooms of today.  Sheer musicality did live in some of those old systems striking emotions and wonder...of what I'd experienced up until then.  That said, if someone let me time travel from the best of the best of each decade, and plunked me down in front of my present system and many of yours, I'm certain...I would simply be overcome and speechless.  We grow with the process of betterment.  It is exciting and keeps everything fresh.  More peace, Pinthrift  
I’d give a nod to the old Sherwood and Fisher electronics, generally but not all tubes. I still have some of my older Sansui equipment, AU-111 tube amp, TU-9900 tuner, SR-929 turntable still making good music with a little TLC once in a while. I wouldn’t expect 50+ years of service from today’s offerings. 
It’s just capitalism, in a free market the inefficient loose market share or go out of business, new more efficient businesses take their place. I just went to Axpona there are plenty of small businesses out there offering quality audio products.
I have a half dozen Sherwood 7100/7100A, Yamaha CR620 receivers that work just fine.  I suspect current electronic equipment built to mid-fi standards should last a long time as well.  The parts quality have improved once you have electronics retailing for $2500+.  Cheapo video/audio equipment probably not.