An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?

One group should not be allowed to monopolize the term above another as their own status symbol. you i and anyone else who likes audio can be considered an audiophile regardless of the size of your bank account. 
brettmcee"I am not cocky, but I do think I am doing my part to make things better. Fighting here for the excluded is part of my efforts."

This makes no sense at all no one here is "excluded" this is an open, public, common forum where all are welcome to participate, post, and contribute as they see fit provided of course that they respect the rules of the forum. 
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We need to take back this beatiful word AUDIOPHILE away from the audio snobs, audio bullies, audio communists audio elitists and audio fascists audio aloofists and give it back to the true audio and music lovers rich modest or poor.
It rightly belongs to us music lovers 
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Older vintage equipment even tho it sounds amazing is snubbed by the fake audiophiles as not high end enough or mediocre because it doesnt have 15-100k price tag on it and it isnt made by some no
name guy who works out his garage