LOL! And it only took the New York Times ELEVEN YEARS to report on it!
"The paper of record", indeed!
Cheap shot. Did you read the article? Universal made every effort to conceal the extent of the damage. NYT got this story the hard way - mostly through court records and first-hand sources. More details here.

If NYT hadn’t reported this story, you still wouldn’t know what happened. That the newspaper didn’t allow orchestrated deception and the passage of time to conceal the truth is to its credit, not its shame.
@millercarbon  bought any remastered releases from the Universal catalog in the last 11 years?
And if we accepted that journalism is the "enemy of the people", we would be left only with Faux Newsless.....losers!  
Actually, no cleeds, if the OP hadn’t posted it then I would still not know.

Remasters, yyzsantabarbara, Universal or otherwise, are such crap I never buy them any more.

With music the sad yet fascinating truth is the best most faithful record of this music is on the vinyl that has already been pressed. This is because, while it is technically true that the very best version is on those gone forever master tapes, the very real reality is none of us will ever experience that. The only chance we have of hearing this music is to buy a record. Which unfortunately it seems they never, ever manage to remaster anything any good, and hardly ever even manage to reissue (ie press more copies) that are as good as the original run pressings. It does sometimes happen but very much the exception not the rule.

Because of this those of us who really want the best pressings of the best recordings have just one option:

The bad news is the price. The good news is they actually exist. You can still get them. Unlike the burned master tapes, which while they did once technically exist in practice it did not matter because no one was ever going to hear them anyway.

Which think about it. Here you have just one guy, a very well-read but otherwise ordinary audiophile, and he is able without any "reporting" whatsoever off the top of his head able to inform you better than the NYT. Better, and more accurately. Granted, I never won a Pulitzer. Also never was proven to have lied to win one, unlike all the Times reporters from Walter Duranty to Jayson Blair to Ali Watkins
Which is why oregonpapa and I laugh derisively at the NYT.

I’ve known for years the NYT was awful. But eleven years late to the fire? Literally late to the fire. And even then they got the story wrong.