Bang for Buck

Limited budget upgradeWill I get more bang for buck with a Integrated Amp upgrade or a Phono Stage and Cartridge upgrade?Buying new speakers and have some budget left over. This is a single source, Phono only, system.
Thanks noromance, that’s my logic. I’m helping a novice friend who like most newbies goes for the big shiny first.
With $3k budget, big shiny preference, analog only, this to me is a no-brainer: Herron VTPH 2A phono stage. Sorry that is not a global answer but the Herron is the best component I ever bought, at any price, bar none. Your friend will be stunned. 
Lots of great choices for Integrated including Phono Pre.
A few demos should be convincing.
The global answer is a meticulous setup and correct room treatment will give the biggest bang for the buck by far. The setup and room will determine at least half of what you will hear. No gear swap will yield that great a difference.

Thanks Tomcar,I agree with you completely. The room is currently in dedicated listening room remodel process, the impetus for the gear upgrade.