What are the best small not bookshelf speakers?

Ahhh yes..... I am fighting the all mightly WAF factor. We have two rooms that we would like to install speakers in. One is 18x14 and the other 14x11. In wall is a no go.... and bookshelves are also a bit big for her taste. So I am left with maybe gallo, orb, or? They must have some asthetics, but not manditory. She would love them to just "fit in" with the rest of our furniture.

I am also looking for the right integrated that has a zone 2 feature. Maybe Arcam Solo or the Cambridge Mini? Any thoughts?

I am stuck here folks, HELP ME OUT!!!
Hopeless, since the WAF is in play. Best to play to her weakness which would be a speaker in an exotic wood, say rosewood. Many ProAc's might fit the bill. RayRay8 also has a good point, that is a small sub. Take a look at the Yamaha YST series, they can be fit into a rack. The only problem with the YST is that it is a line source that should come from a receiver.
The Sunfire CRM comes to mind. You can search TAS for a review. I have no personal experience with this product, only being impressed by the review and it is a package that might fit your requirements. http://www.sunfire.com/productdetail.asp?id=24
Based on what you are not looking for, the Gallos would seem to be a pretty good choice. Woman that don't like speakers seem to like Totem Arros....
the passive audioengine p4s are a good choice at around $300--i wasn't blown away when i first heard 'em, but i've subsequently revised my first impression--they're quite dynamic, detailed and full-range for such a little box. they can mount right on the wall and are only 6" x 9" or so. audioengine offers a no-risk trial, so what the hell...
Be careful with zone 2. They are not all created equal. Amplified or not, variable volume or not, most zone 2's do not pass through digital signals, analogue only. Also, you want to have the remote control feature of zone 2 also?