Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
Your question is impossible to answer because..."One man's trash is another man's treasure!!!!!" Or it's like when men try to compare wives, or when women try to compare husbands....on what attributes do you make the comparision across wives, husbands, or speakers for that matter!
I think you guys are missing the point. The OP is not asking me what speakers didn't make YOUR cut. He is asking what MY opinion is (and YOURS too, but you understand). It is entirely subjective, but so what? I don't think it is making a blanket statement to say that speaker X,Y, and Z did not make the cut in YOUR room, but speaker A is the best that YOU have heard in YOUR system.

Elizabeth is way off the mark......

Unfortunately I haven't been to the shows, and have only owned one pair of what others would probably conclude were high end speakers. (The Talon Raven C) Through lack of knowledge and experience, I sold them and wish I had them today. But the op's post was misunderstood and misread by some of the posters and is actually not a rehash of other "best speaker" threads. This actually could be a very good to excellent thread with plenty of anecdotes from audiophiles who've had some of the better speakers out there.

Best ever anything threads always evokes posts.

they should be disallowed shouldn't they? Just bar them from ever littering the servers.

Unless? Unless the input to them is denoted as IMO...

But gee.... aren't all the threads here barring possibly some technical postings, embedded with that underlying theme?

Best ever speaker?

it's obvious to me... it's the one we bought... or the next one we will buy.