Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
Why do I always wait to see what you'll post?
You're a damn genius, that's why!

"Don't know why this can be such a difficult concept to grasp for some."

Did he reach 4,000 threads yet on the Gon-Show yet ?

Maybe it's the Gee-Wiz world record he is after ?

Designated big hitter !


Yeah. That seems to be an adequate assessment of my biggest shortcoming… not that I am as you say, but that I THINK I am. FROM TIME TO TIME.

However, I’m attending 3 humility meetings per weekk now so hopefully I can regain control somewhere down the road quite soon.

In fact they said recently, I wouldn’t have to wear this canvas coat nearly as much if I continue to progress steadily.



A long time back people said to me right here… “Never take seriously any audition of equipment if heard at a show. They are the worst place to formulate your buying decision upon ”

They went on to give reasons… such as less than optimal conditions… front ends comprised of gear you’re likely to never own due to it’s price… poorly addressed power conditions… cabling containing too much unobtainium… less than optimal time to determine things to your satisfaction… seldom will you get the hot seat to listen or the use of your own materials….

All of which sure made sense to me at the time… and more or less still does.

It serves no purpose to me to even hear components which are in some arrangement of which, I’ll never be able to own…. Even when the setup has been remarkably well done, I can see where making an on the spot choice can be inappropriate. At times.

Naturally, for those with loads more green backs to dispense, well, Yaaayyy for them I suppose.

Assessing outstanding loudspeakers in some hierarchy or concensous is fun to do I guess, but it’s just so arbitrary a thing and amounts only to TIME WELL WASTED.

Associated factors are just too extensive. Esthetics for one is always an item of note for me. Size is another. Etc.

I ALSO TEND TO LIVE IN THE FRONT END FIRST AND SPEAKERS SECONDARILY, CAMP. Knowing full well the value of both, I’ll agree with Chas too, with a great sounding front end and nice room, one doesn’t have to hock the ranch to buy speakers in order to have an outstanding listening event.

Once you get into the $6K to $12K +/- ranges, you’re in great speaker country. The front end and setup will either make or break any speaker, as will the room itself.

One example would be hearing from others here for instance, that either Avant Garde Trios or Focal Grand Utopias are the absolute best…. Really? In a 14 x 19 room set on the short wall?

With class D’s?

With SET amps?

Doubtful. Given the room size on either hand and the amps on at least one account. Given their costs… neither works for me…. Or for many others.

Peripheral factors are just too extensive in attaining loud squeakers for there to be any real and true concensus of ‘better or best’. …. Even from those with extensive squeaker ownerships.

I’d bet heavily that as those with great experience in various squeaker ownerships changed across the years, so did their systems, rooms, amps, etc…. and nearly as often. Yet in any case… such quantifications are the value of the poster and their own ears… notthose of the Ops.

It’s so infrequent in upper end audio that costly squeakers are outdone by inexpensive ones so much so that one can almost qualify the concept outright, that more $$$ cast towards a speaker set will yeuild one better speakers.

The real and always underlying and unnerving proposition is Which ones are going to give me a shot at a better listening experience for my own particular configuration than the ones I own now given these parameters….. etc.???
Hey, I have my canvas coats tailored at Saville Row...they fit tightly, (as prescribed by my...uh advisor), but look really great.
Yet another hilarious and entertaining one Jim.

Tvad & Paul

When some one who reads one of my threads and calls me to order a piece of gear I mentioned I will immediately contact you both. Until that day comes however it is probably not worth getting you knickers in a knot.

I trust that goners take every thread and not just mine with a grain of salt. I would encourage that, though I would be satisfied if they would simply take mine with the grain that I include in each thread.
