AQ vs Van Den Hul

Seeking description of Van Den Hul interconnects (particularly The First Ultimate) as compared to Audioquest's sub-$500 ICs (Yukon or old King Cobra). 
Which one would be non-strident and great in the midrange especially with vocals?

Not sure about the VDH, but the Yukon is a very good interconnect for the money. I've has a couple pairs in my system for about 2 years. It certainly isn't strident, nor is it bloated. Pretty much neutral. 
Well said @boxer12.  AQ cables are generally very neutral.  As you move up the line the sound gains transparency and openness, bass power and dynamics.  Sorry, I have no experience with VDH.
The Van Den Hul  First Ultimate is one of those wild exotic design -- apparently it doesn't use metal and uses some sort of carbon threads to conduct.  I can't even begin to predict what it would sound like.  You really need somebody who has personal experience with this one.