It is balanced or not?

Hello everyone, I am new to this page, I thank the Audiogon team for allowing me to be here with you, I have a question: I have the preamp and DAC: "Emotiva Differential Reference XDA-1" it has the following digital inputs: "S/PDIF (optical and coaxial) and AES/EBU (XLR)", the XDA-1 has balanced outputs for an speakers amplifier, inside it has the amplifier: "Texas Instruments Burr Brown OPA2134" and I want to know if it really works balanced; the XDA-1 has the DAC: "Analog Devices AD1955" inside. thanks
yeah, that sounds like a good plan.  If you have two D-75 amps, use one for left speaker and use the other amp for right speaker.  That way, you are not sharing a single amp power supply for both speakers.
@auxinput: yes, but not in mono, in dual channel but using one of the amps for a speaker :-)
Right.  If you have two D-75 amps, it is better to use one amp per speaker.  But not in bridged mode.  The power supply from one amp is only used to power one speaker.  This is better because a single amp power supply does not have to push two speakers.  You will get better results.
That's right, thank you very much for your help and the others here in this forum, the change was quite remarkable, much more sound quality.