Great song @slaw. And the piano playing is absolutely thrilling!
Paul Simon used to be a mighty fine songwriter (though a pretty poor singer), but not in quite awhile imo. I understand I may be in the minority in this regard, but I don't consider what he did on the Graceland album to be "true" songwriting, and his singing didn't come close to matching that of the South Africans.
There are artists who have taken the music of a different (non-U.S.A.) culture and done something really interesting with it, such as Ry Cooder. Paul Simon is no Ry Cooder. And then there are artists who have brought the music of their culture to we white Americans, Los Lobos being a particular favorite of mine.
Nothing makes me as cognizant of how different as a culture from Europe are "we" as when I listen to pre-20th Century Classical music, especially that of the Baroque period. But then "we" created Blues, Jazz, and Rock 'n' Roll!