Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?

Gusser, I owned an Otari before, but it was 4 channel; if it had been two track I would still have it; they're the most impressive deck for the money; approaching the Studer in many ways.

In regard to clean bass in speakers, that's a lot dependent on crossover design and the quality of capacitors in the crossover; evidently your speakers have both.

Yes Orpheus10, the Otari is an excellent deck.  So is my Technics RS-1506, but it cannot record in 1/2 track mode, only 4 track in both directions, which is what I needed it for at the time of purchase.  The 1506 is also in need of a recap and good refurbishment as she is showing her age.  The Otari allows me to continue to explore the 1/2 track world in both playback and recording.  I have a TEAC X1000R as well (refurbished nicely by a gentleman in Colorado) for 4 track playback duties.  It also has autoreverse, which I've always wanted in my 4 track deck, but is limited to 7.5 ips.  Granted, the TEAC isn't nearly the decks the Technics and Otari are, but being an R2R tape head, it was well worth the cost of admission to be able to play my small collection of band and FM music tapes I acquired during the 80's and early 90's.

As far as bass response, the Triton 1's (non-reference) provide all I could ask for and more.  Granted, I have a ceiling to floor bass trap in the one corner and power is cleaned up by a PS Audio regenerator power conditioner.  (a big improvement in noise floor and sound quality when the PS Audio unit was installed) but the Triton 1's excel in bass reproduction IMHO and are a great match to my Yamaha A-S2100 integrated.  Needless to say, I am very happy with my "A" system as it now stands, with the Otari taking center stage, next to my recently acquired (and not quite set up) VPI Avenger Reference tt with dual 3DR wands and Soundsmith Zephyr MKIII ES stereo and mono carts. (2016 CES show leftover with 3 belt AC motor drive rather than the newer rim drive).  Did I overspend?  Probably.  But my source gear now allows me to sample 1/2 track master dupe recordings as well as any vinyl (mono or stereo) that I have the good fortune of getting my hands on.  Now all I need is the free time to enjoy the media.... C'mon retirement!!

Happy listening.

Ironically, I owned a TEAC X1000R, purchased it new; I really loved that auto reverse, and the fact that it worked well with EE Maxell tape. At that time I was into getting the longest play time. Since I did a lot of entertaining then, I liked to record what I thought my guests would like so I could enjoy everyone's company without bothering to put on new music.

It seems we've followed the same upgrade paths in regard to reels.

While watching the reels on my Technics 1500 spin at 15 IPS and enjoying the full dynamic range of Jimmy Smiths organ, accompanied by Kenny Burrell on guitar, I began to reminisce about my encounters with other tape decks.

It all began in the early seventies when the best stereo stores carried reel to reel decks. Through the use of "you tube", I believe I can share these memories more vividly.

There was a large appliance store that also carried stereo, and when my wife was shopping for washers dryers or whatever, I went to the stereo section that had one room completely devoted to reel to reel tape decks: Crown, Akai, Teac, Pioneer; these are the ones I remember, such beautiful decks and so many choices, both 10 inch and 7 inch.

I was like a kid in a candy store; I must have even had that look of wild eyed amazement that kids have when they enter a big toy store. I'll see what I can find on "you tube" to bring those memories back to life.

Presently, I'm correcting something I stated on this thread. I recorded some vinyl at 15 IPS. Now I'm recording over that at 7 1/2. 15 IPS is reserved for live recording; there's not enough improvement for the added expense with records, 7 1/2 works just fine.