Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.
The amplfiers will drive them but they would not be a good match. 

The A3 will show all the deficiencies of the Bel Canto's class D technlology.  The Bel Canto's are powerful with good bass and great dynamics, they are howerver very dry and a bit mechanical sounding.

We did have a set in the shop for evaluation and that was our experience with them.

The Martin Logan's are a bit more shelved in the top end and do not have the resoloution of the Magicos. 

However, you are also not mentioning the rest of your system and if your have a tube preamplifier or a tube based dac it is possible that the combo will work with the Bel Cantos.

If you perfer the Magico's then you should get them try them with your current setup but you must realize that when ever you change loudspeakers  you are going to need to revoice the system.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

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Yes EBM we have over 30 years of professional experience, what's yours?

Your quip seems to bemoan the fact that the OP is wrestling with this issue, it is not cut and dry for so many people, hence what seems obvious to you is not to the OP hence the question asked?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ