Why I like my home system better than live music

Not sure which forum to place this, but since speakers are the most important in the audio chain besides the room, I'll start here. I know most audiophiles including me set live music as the reference to guage reproduced music in their homes. But I've come to the conclusion I enjoy my home system better than most live music. I can count on one hand musical venues that I think absolutely outclasses any system I've heard, but in most cases live music is just sounds bad. Is it just me who feels this way?
Craig_hoch, try not to be condescending to fellow audiophiles and pay attention to my original post. All any of us have is our opinion to contribute here. If you read my response above, I attend unamplified live music regularly. I'm an amateur classical guitarist since high school and played the piano and sax in the past. I didn't say my system sounds better - I said I ENJOY my home system more than live music for reasons stated above. I said live music in a good concert hall (eg BSO) outclasses any home system I've ever heard. If you have been in the high end for awhile (25 years for me), throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars on a system won't get you good music, if you don't know what you are doing.
I am in agreement with jmcgrogan2 on this one.The best sound I ever heard was Pink Floyd delicate sounds of thunder tour in Mpls,Mn at the Metrodome.
Dracule1, I don't think either experience is better, at least not for me. I don't fret too much about those who want to argue about 'live v canned'. That is stale at best. :-)

I happen share your music preferences and I too enjoy listening to music at home, not because my system sounds 'better' than good seats (Center/Orchestra/7 or 8 rows back), but because it offers me so many opportunities that live performances do not. And, FWIW, my wife and I are are season subscribers to two different orchestras and we attend faithfully, even when it just sounds like it is going to be an experience similar to taking cod liver oil.

At home I select my entire program.
I can change the program at will.
I can interrupt a performance and put on something different. I can listen to a LOT of music that is never performed live but is essential I think and certainly central to my interests.

At home I can eat a hot dog, drink a beer, get up to pee, etc. I can talk. I can take a nap. Ah, those creature comforts!

But as importantly, I can by pressing a button or two, actually analyze what I'm listening to in detail by simply replaying movements or parts thereof. I can put on other performances to compare how others have done the same piece. I can actually learn something about things that are important to me!

Frankly I feel sorry for folks who can't, or won't, experience the benefits of listening to music in both venues without getting all bound up about the sonic differences of equipment or formats.

But, that's just me...................
Dracule1, I already read your post three times. How many times do you want me to read it?

Not everything is a matter of opinion. Some things are a matter of fact and unless you are comparing your system to live acoustic music it really doesn't mean much.