Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.
No Tgun, we don't like Bel Canto's Class D, don't like Hypex nor Ncore, 

We have heard some Class D amplifiers that were decent, the fact that you owned a high end store 15 years ago doesn't mean anything, almost all of the modern amplifiers around today will run rings around amplifiers from that time period. How do we know that, used to work in Sound By Singer and Innovative Audio two of the largest High end Audio stores in that time period and  opened up our own store right after.

In our tests the Bel Cantos were wonderfully powerful, had great bass and dynamics, they failed to be involving, and did not have the magic in the midrange that really good Class A and A/B amplifier produce. 

If you notice from our first post with you we did say that matching with a tube preamp and a warmer dac might help compensate guess what you have those. 

In our tests switching out amp for amp the Bel Canto was good but not magical. 

Today we sell many amplifiers that do not run as hot as space heaters that are truly magical. 

The Bel Canto's are great if you need the power, for the same money a 600 Watt Anthem STR power amplifier would probably run rings around it.  The Anthem is a Class A/B is reasonable in size and weight and it doesn't run hot. 

Just one example. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Thanks EBM.

Did you notice from our first post we said that those amps with a tube preamp and a warmish digital front end that such a combo could sound good.

The later post from the OP showed exactly that combo was what he was using.

Kind of verifys that we really do know what sounds good doesnt it?

We have tested a lot of class D amps and they can sound good yet to hear one yet we would use in any of our reference setups and we have a few currently on display.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Same crap, different post. I ask a simple question that only required a simple answer and the wanna be expert chimes in with opinions. I don't care what your opinion is on ANY equipment as I'm confident in my own. Audio Troy, you own neither Bel canto not Magico A3's so you bring nothing to the table.

Stay out of the conversation

Sorry Tgun 

If you owed a store for any length of time you would know the answer.

If you want the A3 you would bring in a pair and try them out with your system.

Unless anyone here has exactly the same setup and your tastes the answer is of very little value.

Will the ref 600 drive them of course it will most class D amplifiers can push power easily no matter the load.