Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege?

Why shouldnt perfect direct drive speed and pitch control be part of an Audiophile turntable system.  Not having pitch control is like missing a stereo mono switch.
Every high end turntable should have pitch control. 
Mid price belt drive turntables (like Nottingham Spacedeck) can sound generally OK.
But what is mostly annoying for me, they broke a rhythm of music.
For simple pop music it is not too important. Even there are some kind of jazz and classical music that that rhythm accuracy doesn't make a big difference too. But a music with a fine sense of rhythm like most of classical piano music is fallen in parts (if it played on belt drive turntable).
So, for people who like this kind of music or sensitive to PRAT, using a top vintage DD turntable seems to be a good idea. My experience shows that good and not expansive idler drive TT, like Lenco, can do a similar job.

The funny thing is a lot of the cost no object high end TT’s
are heavy platter belt drives. Yes in the low and mid-fi, good deal
for the money TT’s the direct drives are strongly represented.
But who talked about such trivial limitations?
Some vintage DD are not mid-low END.
For example, in 70x EMT950 costed 15000DM. It is around $23000 today.
Studios and radio station bought EMT950 and not moron audiophiles fooled by advertising.
These dumy audiophiles don’t want to see around. They don’t go to listen a live music.They don’t want to start thinking out of box. They buy tower speakers with 85dB sensitivity and 20K$+ price tug with 1000 Watt horrible sounded transistor amplifiers.
But everybody has his own way...

P.S. My fried musician, flute soloist, when he heared EMT950 (at his friend home), very fast rid off of his Sota and run to buy EMT950.
And a few very knowledgeable audiophiles that own several of the top
TT’s including EMT 950, prefer their heavy belt drive TT’s. Are they being fooled by advertising after owning and keeping these different tables, letting their
daily preferences rule ? I don’t think they are all flute players but we all have
our preferences, what you do at home is certainly up to you.

All modern Hi-End TT producers are small garage companies.
They don't have enough money and professional R&D to design and build DD turntables.
Relatively big Japanese producers like Audio-Technica and Technics can afford to build DD turntables.