Spade vs bare wire

Age old audio cable question. Im thinking of going spades for my next set of cables. I‘ve noticed banana plugs seem to loosen over time. However, bare wire might just be the best. Many old threads on this subject. 

Any thougts, experiences or even measurable differences?
I was once head of analog engineering at a professional recording console manufacturer. When I arrived, my engineers had pretty much the same attitude that wire was wire and connectors pretty much of a muchness.

We made up several identical lengths of a few different cable types with XLR from Neutric, SwitchCraft & Amphenol in both gold and silver.

After I demonstrated that I could reliably detect cable types with the same connector and connector types on the same cable, they all woodshedded to learn how to identify the characteristics. In the end, they were all convinced there is no free lunch.

Note that we were not trying to determine gradation, just difference. Gradation is skewed by system and CBLF.

We went on to recreate a classic EQ, paying attention to 'inaudibles.' The unit has sold in the thousands because it is almost indistinguishable from the originals.
I also don't buy into the alleged sonic differences between bare wire, bananas, and spades. That difference seems to potentially be so absolutely tiny as to render opinions kinda silly (or allowing listeners who do claim to hear differences to feel "special," which might help those with inadequacy issues), but that's to be expected around here...Use high quality versions of any connectors and you're gonna be fine. Note that bananas do have the advantage of providing potassium, and spades can be used for gardening.
My ancient (1979) Vandy 2Cs accept only bananas. My Anticables were terminated with spades (for previous Monitor Audio Silver 8s). After cutting off the spades, I doubled back the ends of bare wire and seated them firmly into the 2Cs. Listened that way for a year or so, then curiosity got the best of me. Cold-welded bananas to said wire, drove 'em home where they belonged and listened. Honestly, I wasn't expecting ANY difference, but there was. Better defined bass. Expectation bias definitely didn't play a role- I wasn't expecting any change at all.
I realize I didn't compare different legitimate connections since the Vandy terminals were not designed for bare wire, but anyway...
