B&W N804 vs. new 805di

Maybe this is a stupid question. How do you think the new diamond 805 speakers stack up against the N804?
Newest edition, tone audio issue 31.

Glowing review...

The 805's usually require at least 50 wpc but sing as you go up the ladder. Rotel in general (being a sister company) along with Classe- historically have great synergy with B&W, as do Mcintosh pieces. As a previous Rotel owner 75 wpc should suffice but it's analytical or clinical sound may be considered bright with the new diamond tweeter pairing. Audition first when possible- to avoid any disappointment.
May I bump this old question?

I've been using the N804 for over 12 years with an Accuphase E-407 integrated amp (Class A/B, 180W/ch @ 8 ohm). I feel its lacks detail, bass and doesn't feel very immersive/involving.

Recently I demo-ed the Franco Serblin Accordo and it's a fantastic (monitor?) speaker but too pricy for my budget & needs a subwoofer. I also tried the 803D, 804D, SF Cremona-M, & Dali (forgot the model). The rest of them didn't really do much for me.

FInally I demo-ed the 805Di on a different floor with a different setup (and sadly different music tracks too). Whilst not as good as the Accordo (felt congested whilst the Accordo's soundstage & separation was amazing), I felt I actually preferred it to the 803/4D.

So here's the question. I -think- the 805Di extended deeper and tighter in bass, had more detail, and felt more immersive than my N804. However not being able to compare side-by-side, I don't know if it's setup, or if the 805Di speakers themselves truly big improvement over my ageing N804s.

In Tokyo there's no "1-week" demo concept nor returns. Once you've bought, it's yours and will have to sell at a loss. I do not intend to change my Accuphase E-407 integrated amp.

Is there truly a big improvement between the N804 to 805Di or was it just placebo in my mind?
I've been using the N804 for over 12 years with an Accuphase E-407 integrated amp (Class A/B, 180W/ch @ 8 ohm). I feel its lacks detail, bass and doesn't feel very immersive/involving.

It only took 12 years?