Anyone know how to set up Rythmik subwoofers on an ARCAM AVE550 receiver?

I am thinking about buying 2 Rythmik F12 Signature subwoofers.  I have an ARCAM AVR550 receiver and I need to find out how to set up these subwoofers without using DIRAC.  Rythmik has a 30 day return policy and I want to find out if I like them before I pay $600 to have someone calibrate my system using DIRAC.

I'm trying to help you Larry, but you're not making it easy ;-) .If Rythmik didn’t sell direct-to-consumer, the price of their subs would be at least twice what they are now. It is not the only hi-fi company doing that, ya know. So does HSU, and most of SVS’ sales are direct.

Larry, you say you heard the REL and wasn’t that impressed, right? So buy a Rythmik already! You’ll never know what it sounds like until you listen to one. If you like it, keep it. If you don’t, send it back. Damn, you’re making this WAAAY too hard. It’s only a sub, not a fatal disease ;-) .

A week or two back all you could talk about was Brian Ding’s PHD, how brilliant he is, and how Jim Salk told you a Rythmik was the way to go. What happened to that Larry? It sounded like you were ready to put in an order for a Rythmik or two. Has something changed your mind? If you heard a REL and wasn’t impressed, why are you still considering one?

Since RELs are so highly regarded amongst audiophiles, try and find a used one you can get into your system. If you don’t like it, it should be easy to resell with no loss of $. I don’t know what it is you’re looking for, but lots of pretty-picky audiophiles are very happy with their RELs. And so are Rythmik owners. The ultimate solution is to get one of each in your listening room, and compare them for yourself. No one can tell you which one you will prefer---you have to do that for yourself, just like everyone else. Grow a pair, fer cryin’ out loud!

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What subwoofers do you own.  Just curious.  I think some of the problem lies with knowing how many audiophiles consider REL to be the best.  What I am afraid of is buying the Rythmik's and finding out they are too boomy.  One of the biggest concerns is being able to find anyone good in Denver that knows how to set up a system both with Master Set and to calibrate my ARCAM using DIRAC.

This decision would be easy if the dealer I like you presently only carries REL and carried the Rythmik and ARCAM so he could calibrate my ARCAM using DIRAC.  He believes only in REL and Master Setting speakers and dialing even HT in by ear.  He has heard systems calibrated with DIRAC and he told me he just doesn't like the way they sound.

Sorry for driving you nuts.  Wish I had your knowledge because it sounds like you know how to set any kind of system up.

So have Brian Ding send you one Rythmik, and see if it's boomy. But here's something you need to be told: if you hear boomy sound from a sub in your room, the boom is more likely to be a result of the interaction of the room and the bass frequencies you're pumping into it, not the sub itself. How are you going to know what is the cause of the boom?

I think you need to buy a sub from a dealer who can help you with placement and other integration issues. Subs are tricky, and it sounds like you don't have the experience to do it yourself, whether the sub is a REL, a Rythmik, an HSU, an SVS, or any other make. No offense, Larry!

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