New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Chad, I don't care one way or the other about the speaker(s) in question. I'm just reading this thread for entertainment. But don't you get the distinct impression that most of the people in this thread wished you would just go away?
It was the thread, the thread that would never die!!!
No silver bullet, no wooden stake....................
Coming to a theater near you!
Well since you asked I guess it would be rude not to respond, yes some wish I would go away. They are the ones who cant come to grips with me saying that theres is nothing wrong with VS speakers but I just never found them remarkable. So your right there are some but I have been here years and years, been in thousands of threads and can assure you have witnessed much harsher opinions countless times but these fans are a touchy bunch...just exactly why is a mystery.
FWIW, I heard the VR 33s at RMAF (they may have been in more than one room, can't remember which one). I definitely don't mean to slam the speaker, and they may be just right for some people, but at that time I was looking for a near wall design, and they did not stay on my list. (Short impression: perfectly nice, but for me, not maximally involving). YMMV, but I do think the StereoMojo review linked above is overblown, and similarly for VSA's claim of a "15k speaker for 4k." At 4k, you might want to shop around; to pick a random comparison, I'd favor the Gallo 3.5s.

Obviously, your opinion is your own, and matters more than the opinions of people who will never hear your rig. For instance, many regard the bigger Vandys like the 5as as excellent (an assessment that has been proclaimed as certain knowledge on this thread) but I also crossed them off my list after audition (Short impression: perfectly nice, but for me, not maximally involving).

The VSA home demo policy seems to me very fair, and I'd take a chance if I were intrigued: shipping costs, but so does travel to auditions that will tell you less.


Chadnliz - allow me to extend a little grace to you, as I can relate to a little agitation toward "certain" manufactures that make big claims yet have a mediocre product. But it would have been best if you would have stuffed a a sock it on this one. Nothing productive has come from your decision to post your 'feelings' and opinions.

I have owned VR4 Jr Mk II's, but never heard the 33's so I can't comment. The Jr's were decent when I had them, but since then I've come a long way and wouldn't go near them again. However, this is not related to a VR33 so I'll be quiet now.