New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Chadnliz - allow me to extend a little grace to you, as I can relate to a little agitation toward "certain" manufactures that make big claims yet have a mediocre product. But it would have been best if you would have stuffed a a sock it on this one. Nothing productive has come from your decision to post your 'feelings' and opinions.

I have owned VR4 Jr Mk II's, but never heard the 33's so I can't comment. The Jr's were decent when I had them, but since then I've come a long way and wouldn't go near them again. However, this is not related to a VR33 so I'll be quiet now.
What happens when one says a speaker/amP sucks or slams it in some way? All those who have or like the units have a canary.

If Chad thinks this 33 speakers SUCKs then he has his right to write that and nOt be hammered for it.

I have responded harshly to Zu haters but in the end I was trying to fight for a speaker I love to listen to.
Glory, you missed the point, or at least my point. Chad has never heard the VR33 and said as much. Yet he still insisted on providing commentary on their sound. Jdoris posted a comment on 5/24 that he heard them and did not care for them. Not one person has posted refuting what Jdoris said about them in the three weeks since. You know why? He has heard the speaker, therefore his opinion is valid. That is what my point has been from the beginning.
Again I said I found Alberts speakers (in general and as a whole) to be IMO unremarkable. I didnt say they were bad I even said there is nothing wrong with them theres just nothing special about them. I figured this was long over but my name has been used again so I have the need and right to respond. I have read and participated in threads with far harsher statements then mine without this over the top reaction. Buy them if you like them, simple enough...right?