Chadnliz - allow me to extend a little grace to you, as I can relate to a little agitation toward "certain" manufactures that make big claims yet have a mediocre product. But it would have been best if you would have stuffed a a sock it on this one. Nothing productive has come from your decision to post your 'feelings' and opinions.
I have owned VR4 Jr Mk II's, but never heard the 33's so I can't comment. The Jr's were decent when I had them, but since then I've come a long way and wouldn't go near them again. However, this is not related to a VR33 so I'll be quiet now.
I have owned VR4 Jr Mk II's, but never heard the 33's so I can't comment. The Jr's were decent when I had them, but since then I've come a long way and wouldn't go near them again. However, this is not related to a VR33 so I'll be quiet now.