Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement

So after reading the thread of useless tweaks I'd  be interested the communities opinions of useful tweaks. I may be rehashing a previous thread but times change as do useful tweaks.

I have found that in my case the following were useful, immediate and audible,
In order of priority in my opinion
1 Room treatment
2 Speaker location, ie proper setup
3 Subwoofer location (if used)
4 Subwoofer integration
5 Component isolation
6 Cables, all SC/IC etc, normally I would not mention cables but did have an ear opening epiphany that makes me believe cables are system dependant and I do not mean directionality.

So if anybody has anything to add, please do so as none of us are ever too old to learn.

Geoff says:

Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone gets his panties in such a twist over some audiophile tweaks. Slow day at Subway, I suspect.
My friend, if you think my two posts are so emotional that I can be described as having my panties in a "Wow" twist, you have been living a sheltered life.  Also, as usual, you add your typical personal insult by implying that I, therefore, must be a blue collar salami slinger at Subway.  You do yourself a disservice with such sophomoric behavior.
Dynaquest I completely agree with your assessment of geoffkait tweaks in the most part. It's difficult to tell when he's serious about a tweak or just throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks.
Kinda like his panties when they wad. Sure hope they don't fall on his sandwich. 
In any case Geoff is entertaining. 
Batmobile, I do wonder if he really believes all the wondrous fatasies (or are they) but like legends there is usually some fact behind the tale. I'll try the TC and it will be either an improvement or snakeoil. 
@glupson, Adding their opinion about what they perceive as some kind of a practical joke has certain value, too.

Thanks, Gill.  Geoff, I'm sure is an OK guy but perhaps a bit overly obsessed with tweaks and this forum.  Me?  I just love listening to music and changing my system now and then to keep things interesting.  I have no interest in wasting time and ridiculous amounts on money on esoteric accessories and science-defying tweaks. 

Recently, while temporarily cooped up in my mother-in-law's guest house while we looked for a new home in the DFW area, I was listening to some music blue-toothed from my phone to a cheap soundbar.  I found myself tapping my foot and singing along.  I caught myself....thinking is just a soundbar.  But it sounded good and I was enjoying myself. Too often, I think, we forget it's really more about the music than the system and we should be listening to the music and not our latest tweak.