Turntable isolation for bedroom floor

Hi all

I was going to have my system set up in a room with a solid concrete floor but circumstances have forced me to use a bedroom (only for the purposes of a listening room!)

I'm currently using a Roksan Xerxes 20plus on a solid oak plinth under which are 4 magnetic isolation feet. The racks are Atacama Evoque Special Edition.

The set-up certainly helps with drastically reducing vibrations from my speakers (which are on Audio Physic VCF V feet), but it isn't good at reducing foot fall......any suggestions to reduce this...?



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BrightStar sand box on the floor with German Acoustic tone cones glued on the bottom works for me for 3 decades now.
The apollo turntable shelf is rock solid. Welded steel with your choice of glass or wood for shelf. Avail in black of gray. I love mine. Butcher block acoustics makes some nice isolation platforms in walnut or maple...your choice of leveling feet, spikes rubber, etc....