Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.

Now you are talking. Cars? You buy new and 2 yrs later a new body syle comes out and now your new car is old. Car payments? Screw that. Been there , done that. I have a donkey for a car, '95 Lexus. [Hey! don't insult MY car. I like my beautiful Lexus. P.S. You don't have a car, you only borrow mine. But it is true that your system cost WAAAAAY more than my car. --Glory's wife]

Learn how to ski. Spend your extra $$$ on lessons and go sking with 63. Nothing like getting on the steeps and your instructor tells you to dive down the hill and your head says No lean back up the hill. Better than an audio system anyday. Well almost better.
Costs are commiserate with the following: I adore my wife. I like my system. I tolerate my truck.
I hope that is "commensurate" rather than 'commiserate', but it is an appropriate comment. Some might take issue with the order of 1 and 2 though... (and some might then take issue with a new #2 and 3 but understanding priorities is important to the answer to the OP's question...)