Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?

We supply the GrooveMaster Vintage Direct DN308 Professional with any arm our customer wants - so far have used SME312S and SME312, Kuzma 4.14, Triplanar U12 and  Ikeda IT407

The arm boards are removable and we can supply new boards down the road should a customer want to install a new or second arm.

Good Listening


I found just today this old post. I did´nt read all posts, but just want to say that I have used during last 30 years several turntables and the last one was Clearaudio Statement combined with Allnic H-5000 Phono Pre Amp up graded by me. Two days ago I installed EMT-927 with original EMT-139ST phono amp and the difference in favor of EMT combo was too big, too important, still I can´t belive that. 
Are you able to swap the phono stages, in order to pinpoint the source of the differences you hear?  I am not at all surprised that the EMT927 per se would outperform the Clearaudio, assuming the EMT is in tip-top condition, but I would be surprised if the Allnic is not superior to the built-in EMT phono stage.  However, this only reflects my own biases.  It's worth a try.

Also, you don't mention the tonearms and cartridge(s) you are comparing.  That could make a big difference. I would hope at least that you mounted the same cartridge on each of the two tonearms, if the tonearms are not identical.
Also, you don't mention the tonearms and cartridge(s) you are comparing. That could make a big difference. I would hope at least that you mounted the same cartridge on each of the two tonearms, if the tonearms are not identical.
Totally agreed, I've been used EMT-927 for some time and there been a real dilemma with phono cartridges. So, figuring out that I just can't spend all my time in changing and tries I found a lot of information on the web. Not everything was useful but I was happy when buying Shure M97xE. So, for now, I'm happy to hear a brilliant sound (that's only my opinion).

If it can be useful for anybody here, read the review about those cartridges, for that just visit site and read. Sheared because I'm happy with my choice. Good day to all of you.
As long as the caveat " in my opinion " is attached, people are free to make any claim THEY, THEMSELVES " believe to be a fact based opinion in their own world. In the rest (real) of the world though, opinions will certainly and without fault differ. What you focus on and hear will never be  "exactly" the same to the next set of ears attached to an opinion and personal preference,  in spite of and regardless of the broader experience one thinks to have experienced vs. the vast population, and the choices known, unknown and discredited personally for both valid and perceived biases. There is alot more going on to make anolog soar in the whole system including the room and the music chosen to make grand statements. Even if all systems and rooms were equal and exact....I would bet the amount of tables others would choose "personally" as the better or besting the EMT would be surprising if not a cause to have your inner voice loudly exclaim....WTF🙈!!!