Speaker Break In...? Or listener “Break In”?

Im interested in opinions regarding which has more impact; a speaker changing sound over the first 100-200 hours or a listener becoming more in tune with a certain speakers qualities and characteristics.

when I got my von Schweikerts, speaker break-in was real for me. When I first played them "out of the boxes" I was disappointed but expected them to need to be played a while. Took about 400 hours to really come into their own. lots of congestion and lack of detail originally, nothing like what I heard at the dealers
No man left behind. Apparently there are some left behind. Oh, well, that’s kind of how it goes some time. Live and let die.
b_limo brings up a subject worthy of discussion
 a listener becoming more in tune with a certain speakers qualities and characteristics.

Only to have the conversation immediately trashed beyond recognition by the usual suspects.

I would say for shame but you have none.
Post removed 
millercarbon, I’m happy b_limo has a fanboy. You will probably find this other subject started by the OP worthy of discussion,

“Can you smell your speakers when youre (sic) rockin out?”

And this one (no offense to you personally),

Fake Audiophiles

-In your opinion, what makes an Audiophile a true Audiophile?

-In your opinion, what do fake Audiophiles do that makes them fake?

And this one,

Do cables settle in?

I’m not quite sure what the term is, but if rearrange your rig and you bend your cables in different directions than they were in before, does it take awhile for them to relax and settle back in?