Recommended receiver for HT

I plan to downsize from Bryston SP-3 processor and Parasound amps to a single receiver for HT. The speakers would be KEF T301 fronts; LS50s are side and rear; subs are pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass management. Sources are Cox TV, Ayre DX-5 DSD, and perhaps Oppo 205 or 105D. Stereo music is a separate setup. I’ve been out of the receiver market for decades, so I’m seeking recommendations for a used receiver at moderate cost.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

We live in Montecito, a small town adjacent to Santa Barbara , where combating global warming is taken very seriouosly.  

From the photo used for the listing it appears to be a later version M22 with multiple screened ventilation ports in the top rather than louvers.  Makes me wonder how hot the thing runs.

Hello dbphd,

     Montecito?  Very nice.  Beautiful area!

     I'm glad you bought the latest V2 model of the M22,  I actually don't know the changes from V1 units but think you're most likely better off with a V2 since their performance was probably significantly improved if they caused a version update.
     Your neighbors will also be very proud of your small but cumulative effort to combat global warming.  Congratulations.


I ordered a pair of NAD C 268s to replace the Parasound A 23s for driving KEF LS50s side and rear surrounds. So the lineup for HT will be Cox TV, Oppo 205, NAD M22 and C 268 driving 6 LS50s, and pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and 10s with SMS-1 bass manager. For music it's Ayre DX-5 DSD disc player, QX-5/20 digital hub, KX-5/20 preamp and VX-5/20 amp driving KEF Ref 1s.

Hello dbphd,

     Wow!  For a guy just getting into class D amplification, you have good taste, good knowledge and don't mess around.
     It looks like you'll soon have everything you'll need for a high quality, stream lined  6.4 surround system that will likely all consume less electricity than one of your former JC-1 mono amps.  Careful, Montecito may soon be awarding you their 'Green Homeowner of the Year Award' in a landslide vote.  Ironic, the award is actually a bronzed JC-1 mono-block with an etched inscription plate.
    But I'm a little confused.  You listed a lineup for HT and a lineup for music, are you creating one large system for both HT and music in one room or are you going to have a different room for each?  I recall you mentioning a 100" video projection setup, too.


Both setups are in the same rack in the media room, but share no connections.
Our living room has a music setup comprised of a microRendu/Ayre Codex combination that sources files from Roon, and an Ayre A7e integrated amp (remotely selectable inputs but no preamp) driving KEF LS50s, a small setup with excellent sound.

As you may know, the small town of Montecito has more than its share of celebrities to honor.
