Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.
Definately my system. I'm Driving a 2006 Toyota Tacoma extended cab pickup, and I love it. When I run it into the ground one day I will buy another one because it's a great truck. I Bought it new with all the lights, bells and whistles, then upgraded the stereo system in it, had a custom leather interior done, and tinted the windows. I'm into it for around 26 G's.
Just this past July (7-1-2010 to be exact), I purchased a brand spanking new pair of MBL 101e Mk2's! Damb speakers cost almost 3 times what my truck did! Sure hope they last as long! On top of that I am driving them with B.A.T. VK600se monoblocks and B.A.T.VK51se Preamp, all Transparent Reference balanced interconnects and Bi-wired speaker cables. Add to that all my source components (Theta Digital, Linn LP12 t.t., Magnum Dynalab, etc) and the dollars stack up pretty quickly. Who Knew?? Good thing my wife is a music lover, AND very supportive of my "HOBBY". Which is why she still gets flowers and chocolates after 26 years of marriage!
System worth and cost more than vehicles (2 Lexus, 1 Range Rover); approaching value of house. Yikes - reality check....
My pre amp costs the same as my new car.

My power amps cost the same as my new car.

My speakers cost more than my new car.

Guess my system costs more.