3 channel amp for H/T

I am looking to add a 3 channel amplifier to my home theater.  The room is quite large, and it seems to get a strong viewing experience, I am having to crank the volume quite a bit.  Current setup is as follows :

Yamaha RX-V1600

Paradigm CC-270 Center Channel

Paradigm Monitor 7 v.3 Fronts

B&W in wall rear channels

Martin Logan Dynamo Sub

My thought is to push more power through the fronts/center, while utilizing the Yamaha on the rears.  Not looking to break the bank (sub $1K for an amp), and am open to used equipment. 

You will be happy with the Amp 5.  Classic build, excellent sound.  I have had an Amp 3 in my system for probably 15 years and it's bullet proof. The rest of the Proceed line did not survive the HDMI and digital processing protocols......
Noble100....what pre amps are you using with your Class D amps for HT.  Nord does not have a 5 channel, which is what I need.  
Hello willgolf,

     I was using a VTL2.5L preamp (no phono stage) with NOS Mullard tubes and a HT Passthru switch. Then I discovered how good class D amps performed when compared to my class AB amps I was using and eventually replaced them all with class D amps.  In an effort to stream line my 5.1 system, I removed the VTL and a Parasound processor from my system and just went direct from the outputs on my Oppo-105 player to my class D amps.  This keeps things simple and sunds great.
     For amps, I currently use a Class D Audio SDS-440-CS stereo amp to power my rear surrounds, a pair of D-Sonic M3-600-M mono-blocks to power my l+r mains and an Emerald Physics EP.100.2SE stereo amp bridged to mono driving my center.  I don't currently use any multi-ch class D amps.
    If I was looking for a high quality 5-ch class D amp I would probably call D-Sonic and talk to the owner, Dennis Deacon.  He's very knowledgeable and a nice guy who will listen to your requirements and either let you know which of his amps will work well or build you a custom amp for a reasonable price,
    If you're looking for a good quality 5-ch class D amp for a bargain price, I'd suggest looking on the used market.  I know the NAD and Rotel 5-chs are good performers.  Dave_t, on a previous post, said he's selling his 5-ch Rotel RMB-1575 class D amp.  That's a good and powerful unit but I don't know what he's asking for it.  You could read some reviews on this amp and send him a pm if interested.

Good luck,