Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit.

Based on accounts of the Gungnir sounding more "mellow" than the Yggdrasil,  and reports that the latter takes months to deliver, I've switched my order.
i currently own a vintage Theta Pro Prime DAC that similarly has a more "romantic" presentation, and think I'll be happier with the Gungnir.  From what I've read, it's close to the Yggy in terms of definition, and for the price it's remarkable. (Although price was not a prime consideration.)
I'll have 15 days to change my mind.  That's barely enough break in time to make an informed decision, but it'll have to do.
Any opinions?

You may discover that your preamp sounds best at or near the Unity Gain volume position if that is specified by your preamp's manufacturer. 

I’m seriously thinking about replacing my PS Audio DACIII
with the Gungnir Multibit but the clicking is a concern with 
my Classic Sony CDP707ESD with Kimber D60 coax data cable.
Cincyjim I have 2 yr old Gumby the clicking is ok, clicks only when you push play on transport and when it stops playing the cd... very good dac
Thanks for the info on Gumby
my concern is I have older CD player it was Sony’s top of line in 
88’ I never had to service it 
i brought it out of storage to replace a Arcam CDP36T it failed me after 2yrs so I hope the Sony works well with Gumby.
I had the Gumby and loved the sound.  My digital source is a Mac mini going to an Audiophilleo 2 USB/spdif converter with battery. The only reason I sold the Gumby was because every time tracks changed or there was a temporary loss of signal, I would get the click sound. This was absolutely unacceptable to me. It was a shame because I really liked the DAC.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise because now I have the Metrum onyx. It's my fifth Metrum over the years and I absolutely love it.