Fuse replacement in the Exposure 2010S integrated amplifier

Has anyone experimented with swapping the fuse in the Exposure 20110S integrated amplifier for an "audiophile" one like a Synergistic Blue or HifiTuning Supreme CU, etc? A representative from the company claims it's a waste of money. I'm not interested in an ideological discussion, only empirical evidence.
I tested some SR fuses a while back after simply assuming they were ridiculous, and found that my original assumptions were correct. Littelfuse or any other properly rated fuse from a "standard" manufacturer provide all the fusing you need as fuses have ZERO impact on the sound upstream because, hey, they’re fuses. SR's ratings are also suspect as some I tested that had been rated to match what the amp required actually popped immediately. 
Outlier alert 🚨 Looks like it’s going to be close, though. Wolfie vs 50,000 others. Perhaps that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, Wolf Man. Or maybe you psyched yourself out.