sonus faber GH with Sub vs Amat Homage

Wich combo will be best in my listening room 3*4 meter. The Guarneri Homage with a Velodyne sub or Amati Homage.I am open to other suggestions
Regards Simon
Smaj, Thanks for the compliment..:0)

BTW, Elviukai, I do not think that my GH's are at all lacking in instrument palp or localization in the mids... even in comparison to the Amati's. When I have heard the Amati's in the past, my impression was that the only area that they had it over the GH's was possibly in their ability to drop down deeper in the bass; in all other areas I preferred the GH's. If you heard any kind of darkness with any of the SF's then I would suspect that could be laid at the feet of the upstream gear and/or a room interaction.
The GH's in particular are known for there midrange abilities and IMHO, if set up right simply disappear in the room. I do think that like many speakers, set up is fairly crucial with the GH's; a listener should not mistake a poor setup/room interaction as a speaker problem.
2-26-10: Daveyf
Smaj, Thanks for the compliment..:0)

BTW, Elviukai, I do not think that my GH's are at all lacking in instrument palp or localization in the mids... even in comparison to the Amati's. When I have heard the Amati's in the past, my impression was that the only area that they had it over the GH's was possibly in their ability to drop down deeper in the bass; in all other areas I preferred the GH's. If you heard any kind of darkness with any of the SF's then I would suspect that could be laid at the feet of the upstream gear and/or a room interaction.
The GH's in particular are known for their midrange abilities and IMHO, if set up right simply disappear in the room. I do think that like many speakers, set up is fairly crucial with the GH's; a listener should not mistake a poor setup/room interaction as a speaker problem.
Oops, sorry for the double post..:0(
Elviukai's impressions very much match my own. I chose the Amati Anniversarios for overall capability, but the GH's have a magic with male voices and cello that I've only ever heard matched by electrostatics.
Have you auditioned the Electa Amator II? Many view this speaker as good choice between the GH and the larger SF floor-standing models. EAIIs can also be a bit punchy in smaller rooms, but I've been very happy with the speaker.
Hi Chris
No I have never heard Electa Amator 2. I have owned the Guarneries and Extremas, but i will for sure look at EA II..