At at some pint I’d like to open them up and see the crossover capacitor values. I’m thinking the caps might be generic or inexpensive caps rebranded. I have to remember what price class these are in and not too expect Class A performance from such a budget component. The looks and fit and finish suggest a more expensive product.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary
These are fun speakers. They are musical and smooth. An absolute pleasure to hear with tubes.
I cannot believe how well made they are at this price point. I'd like to wheel in a pair of Harbeths or Spendors (classic type) to have a shootout. The stands are well executed. Everything feels substantial and high end. Color me impressed.
I cannot believe how well made they are at this price point. I'd like to wheel in a pair of Harbeths or Spendors (classic type) to have a shootout. The stands are well executed. Everything feels substantial and high end. Color me impressed.
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- 89 posts total
- 89 posts total