martin logan speakers

i live in los angeles county california. in the outskirts there is whittier where there is a mcintosh dealer which has been there since like 1950. they like martin logan speakers mated to mcintosh equiopment. i never asked them why but is there anyone out there who might know if martin logan speakers are a good match for mcintosh equipment.
I have a pair of ML Vantage speakers and yes I did have them modified for biamping to get deeper bass but the panels are powered by a Rogue 90 tube amp with a tube pre and the sound is fine, in fact better than fine.
I really like Martin Logan, not only because their speakers are fantastic, their service is top notch.

When I bought my ML Impression 11As, I paired them with a McIntosh Mc452 amp.  For me, the combination was a bit too warm.  Great for some genres of music, not so great for others, particularly classical where I prefer some sparkle and crispness to make the instruments sound more natural.

From my experience ML panels can be a tad on the warmer side.  Pairing with a more neutral amp will make things more natural sounding.  Of course all of this is personal preference. I spent a long time trying to get the sound right and decided to try other manufacturers.  Ended up sitting down and demoing a bunch of different amps with my exact speakers and found the sound I was looking for.

Many like ML with McIntosh.  Problem is, I am also from the Los Angeles area and it is definitely hard to find ML dealers with McIntosh products to demo.  I still want to hear a few of their tube amps with the MLs.
exiggy, there;s 'hi fi haven' in whittier that is a 'mcintosh' dealer that use ml speakers hooked up to their macintosh equipment.

  I use Martin Logan Summit X speakers with McIntosh amplifiers and preamplifiers. I think they are a great match, highly recommended. Let you own ears decide!