Dynaudio Contour S3.4 or Dynaudio Focus 360?

I am upgrading from Dynaudio Focus 220's and choosing between the 3.4's or 360's. I am using a Plinius 9100 and its power is a factor to be considered. I don't plan on upgrading my amp. I like the "smooth" sound of the 3.4's and enjoy the "complete" sound of the 360's.
I am considering replacing my current amp and speakers. By chance I found a dealer with NAD and Dynaudio, contemplating the Focus 360's and a C375BEE. Any thought's on this combo? I am concerned with the "perceived" reliability issues of NAD although reviews on the 375BEE are excellent. Is this a good combo? research tells me it is very popular in Europe. By the way, he is offering a wonderful deal to boot! Thanks for the input.
No,you need real juice real power to drive Dynaudio.My opion this is not very good combo.What i noticed is -people ,who own Nad and Dynaudio combos, tends to sell Dynaudio sooner or later.I bought countor s1.4 from the guy who was using Nad gear.
I lived with and loved my 3.4s for about 6 years, they are great speakers. Recently traded them on a pair of Sophia 3s, they are better, but considering the price difference the 3.4s are amazing.
Actually I got the NAD C375BEE and matched it to the Von Schweikert VR 2's I was complaining about ... no more complaints! Forget Dynaudio, VS' 2's are kicking butt!!! Everything is back, I see no reason to trade them, in fact, now it is all about tweeks!! Just upgraded cables to Audioquest G Snakes from Escient server to NAD and what a differenece!looking at more tweeks right now, happy with results so far!!!