Phono cable build question

I’m replacing the phono cables on my Technics 1200 and have decided to use cable that has two conductors and is shielded. My question is what do I do with the shield?

When making regular interconnects with shielded cable, I normally solder the shield to the negative conductor and only on the source side of the cable. Do I do the same with phono cables? I thought maybe I might instead solder the ground wire to the shield, not to negative, and also have a separate traditional ground wire go to the preamp ground terminal.
Thanks cleeds- so I connect the shield of the phono cable to the negative at the preamp side, not the phono side?
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Cleeds and Viridian, you are mistaken. The two conductors from each channel connect to the signal carrying twisted pair that is within the cable shield. One cable for right, one cable for left. The shield connects to the black tonearm ground wire at the turntable end and to the phono stage chassis ground at the other end. This gives you a properly shielded connection from cartridge to phono stage. 
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Shield in this situation is the tonearm shield. The tonearm tube in this type of Technics turntable is electrically isolated from the turntable’s chassis. For purposes of rejecting RFI, the tonearm has a black ground lead, usually 20AWG terminated to a spade lug which is then connected to the chassis ground binding post of the phono stage.

By using a separate shielded twisted pair for each channel, the chassis ground of the phono stage is extended through the shield ground, which is greatly preferable to the convention of using one of the signal-bearing conductors on each channel as a makeshift shield. 

Since technically, only one source of ground should be used, the shield ground from either the left or the right channel should be used to ground the turntable tonearm and the other left unconnected at the turntable end. This ensures both channels have grounded shield provided via chassis ground at the phono stage and that the tonearm itself is also grounded.