Theoretical question about how CD's work

Theoretically, can the contents of a CD be printed out onto sheets of paper in 1’s & 0’s, re-entered digit by digit (say, by a generous helper monkey with an infinite lifespan) into some sort of program, and the same sound will be replicated? Just trying to understand how CD’s work (though I’ve been trying for 25 years and it still seems like magic to me).
Exhibit A

I recently heard a friend’s (big) system that employs a clamp down device on the CD. I was able to improve the sound considerably by using my Mystery Tweak 🤫 on the CD, which stiffens and damps the CD. This, gentle readers, means the CD clamp down device is not (rpt not) effective in preventing CD vibration and flutter. Even CD Rings ⭕️ which are a good idea and address the problem I’m referring to, are not completely effective, even though they add mass to the circumference of the disc, helping reduce flutter and wobble.
That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Cheap, flimsy optical drives jammed into laptops have no problem tracking a CD spinning it more than 50 times normal play back speed.
Don't be silly. There's a big difference between playing CD audio  in real time and pulling data off a CD on a computer. I'm pretty sure you knew that.
Actually, I don’t think he did know that. As my old boss at NASA, Chuck Rounds, used to say, hit a man when he’s down. 
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