MC loading at 47K

Hi All,

Just after some expert advice from your good selves if I may. My current system is as follows:

Musical Fidelity KW550 intergrated amp which has a MM and MC section, both loaded at 47K. The only difference between them is the step up voltage.

My turntable is the Rega P9 with Ortofon Kontrapunkt A.

Looking at changing my cartridge but honestly cant decide between MM or MC.

My music taste are as follows:

Female Vocal

No classical or jazz.

So what should I choose based I'm only limited to a 47K loading. I was thinking either of the below:

1. Ortofon Jubilee (MC)
2. Ortofon 2M black (MM)
3. Clear Audio Maestro (MM)

Is there a down side to loading up a MC so much?

Thoughts please...thanks
It is refreshing to hear from sane personnel. I appreciate all the comments and suggestions. I will reiterate a point I made much earlier and that is -I found much greater differences in the sound from the VTA and playing weight than I did from adjusting the load resistance of the cartridge. So I suggest that adjustment be done first using a playing weight in the middle of the spec as per the manufacturer and a tone arm that is level.
Intuitively I would expect a critically damped cartridge to handle complex orchestral pieces better (faster recovery?). I do find that I can hear much more of the individual instruments in a complex passage with an optimum load.
It’s an old thread, but this is exactly what i’m doing now by loading my Miyabi MCA at 47k Ohm (JLTi phono stage) and this is by far the best setting for this (low impedance / low output) MC cartridge.

This is not the only one LOMC cartridge in my collection that just fantastic with 47k loading on my preamps (different preams).

How many people on here prefer 47k for MC ?
I tried on 3 or 4 different lomc carts but in all honesty my best results by ear were between 220 and 470. Anything higher
just dulled off the presentation as a musical whole. This was with carts ranging from .24mv to .4mv, maybe really lomc like .1mv or less may show more change?

Btw, using same phono stage as yourself Chakster. If you are still using the GoldNote that is.
Most audiophiles have a Pavlovian response to the question of how to load an MC cartridge.  They've been told for so long and from so many sources to use a low value resistor (typically 100R or some resistance that is about 10X the internal resistance of the cartridge) that they cannot accept another idea.  My money is with Ralph and JC and any other of several knowledgeable gurus.  A few years ago, I inadvertently loaded one of my LOMCs at 47K ohms. The experience was a revelation, and I have never looked back.  There's nothing wrong with the typical approach.  Nor is there anything wrong with 47K ohms, and theory says there is a lot that is good about the idea. 

Unlike Uberwaltz's testimony above, I invariably find that 47K gives a slightly more open, extended sense of treble, compared to 100R.  He doesn't say what cartridges he uses.  In my case, it's ZYX Universe (0.24mV output), Koetsu Urushi, Ortofon MC2000, etc. But, as Ralph says, the phono stage itself has most to do with the outcome.
The 4 carts I tried all with same phono stage.
Lyra Dorian
ZYx RS50
Scheu SL
Ortofon Cadenza Black.

Out of them all the ZYX sounded best at 470 and the rest at 220.

Was and still am open to trying any and all loading but that was results for myself.

Obviously to my ears in my system etc etc.