Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?

I'd like to replace my 20 year old Bryston 4B SST with a new amplifier, solid state or hybrid. I have been considering the 4B3 and the PS Audio BHK 250. Both got great reviews but I am a bit concerned about the midrange withe the 4B3 and I do not like the amount of heat that the BHK 250 is  reported to produce. I am thinking now of the PS Audio M700. These are efficient class D and do not produce much heat. The M700 has also been reviewed favorably. It's a stereophyle class A.
I appreciate any thoughts on this, an din particular if you have experience with these amps.
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Tim, sorry for the confusion. I found your comments very helpful.

gammonit-2000 is a member here on the forum who was very skeptical about PS Audio and I was just wondering why.

I agree with Elizabeth and others who said you have to take recommendations with a grain of salt- a lot of this boils down to personal taste- and one has to judge for himself/herself.

Personally, I do find other hobbyists’ experience and perspectives helpful
both of these amps will sound identical with your loudspeaker assuming they arent wilsons with a sub 1ohm impedance dip. any differences in the midrange and bass will be placebo. amps do not sound different from one another assuming they are driving a well designed speaker with a smooth impedance modulus and phase.
Hello benjosef1,

     Hah!  Well, that explains why I couldn't find any info.  Duh.

    " I agree with Elizabeth and others who said you have to take recommendations with a grain of salt- a lot of this boils down to personal taste- and one has to judge for himself/herself."

     I completely agree, too. It's just such a broad brush statement that I don't know who she's directing it at.  Everybody, a few people, me?  I don't believe she was referring to me, but who knows?  I actually welcome constructive criticism but prefer it to be more directly delivered.
     Anyhow, It is good advice that I'm glad you're aware of.  I try to be as honest and helpful as I'm able to be.  Of course, I realize I may occasionally approach 'fan boy' status when discussing gear that I've personally had especially positive experiences owning or using such as class D amps and 4-sub distributed bass array systems.  But I believe this is really just the epitome of honest and helpful advice.
     My intent is typically to spread the word on equipment that I've personally used or owned, I've experienced very positive results with and I think is relevant and helpful.  If my enthusiasm is misconstrued by others as a strong desire to sell someone something, I'm not very concerned provided all my comments are completely truthful and I have no financial incentive. 
     I also like to advise others to try and buy products that have generous  return policies and free in-home trial periods. This significantly reduces the risks involved.  I believe PS offers a 30-day full refund policy and offers price discounts for equipment trade-ins.  
     Lastly, I strongly suggest you don't even consider that PS Audio Gammonit-2000 amp.

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