Streamer choices

Hello to alll. I would like to improve on the streamer that I have. I am presently using a Blusound node. I am considering the Cambridge AXN v2 or the McIntosh MB 50. I prefer the balanced XLR. I have a McIntosh C48 preamp . I would appreciate your feedback. Thankx, Arthur
I agree with those who say upgrade the source.  And separate DAC.  I am happy with an Innuos Zenith Mk2 into an Auralic Vega.  And the people at Innuos are great to work with.
I believe streaming is the Wild West of Audio. 
My first venture was with a Linn Klimaxx DS , QNAP TS-231, an iMac and iPad. This resides with my largest system. I’ll get back to it. 
My next streaming system was with my headphones. I got some Schiit and a pair of Musicmann HE-1000 cans and used a MacBook and Audirvanna all interface by an Apple Gen III Airport Express.
Round three came about with my office hifi and uses a Cambridge Audio Azur 851. 

The Linn suffers from excellent sound and piss poor software. Now that Roon and other platforms exist if you can afford the hardware, it’s going to be very difficult to beat the sound 

iMacs and Mac books , in my opinion need to be left alone to do work. I guess I prefer not to share my portal to the working world  with my music. 

My Azur 852 streamer is the easiest to use and sounds solid. A simple CA app on my phone allows me to add music at will. It’s not the same sound quality as the Linn but it hooks Tidal or my QNAP to my hifi in a snap and I choose where I’m listening. Good luck. 

Lumin D-1 or D-2... Uses the same DAC as the A-1, (Wolfson WM 8741). No contest around 2K; in my opinion that is!
Minidsp SHD Studio sounds great and you get Dirac room correction as a bonus.