Best amp options between $2k-$4 to power Magnepan 1.7?

I currently own a PrimaLuna Prologue Premium along with a Musical Concepts modded Hafler DH-200 that had been just gathering dust. Apparently I upgraded my source chain past some critical mass over the past 2 years... when previously tried, the Hafler was more dynamic than the Prima Luna but it just didn't do anything to counterbalance the better midrangecolor and tone color solidnessof the PL... now the modded Hafler just blows away the Prima Luna for dynamics, imaging and bass foundation.

So I think I should buy a good solid state amp that will improve on the Hafler; can I find one in the $2K-$4K rangethat will also come close to the Prima Luna for tone color ability, no sandpaper on vocals and have the requisite wattagefor Magnepan?
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Still running the Hafler, spent the last year improving my digital playback chain with great results. On my watch/listenĀ  list for possible next amp, Sanders Magtech, Hegel H20, Primare A60. HaflerĀ  has kept up with improvements but it has some edginess, and lacks the effortlessness I've heard from better amps at show demos
I reached another point of critical mass after upgrading the DC power supply of an LTA MZ2 to an Uptone Audio JS-2 in November. While its only 1W of class A, the amplifier output puts the Hafler to shame for transparency and dynamics in a 12x12 listening room, only flags when massed orchestra pushes the MZ2 to its current limit.The Stratos ampdoes appear to be best bang for the buck so far, still considering.