Sold lots of STAX stuff in the day. I find headphones to be pretty uncomfortable after a while and my ears don't like the way they sound after a few songs even though I love LOUD music of any genre.
Even the "open air" lighter Sennheiser ones bothered me after a few songs, and it was not the quality of the sound.
By all means go ahead and get them, but unless you love listening to headphones, realize that you will use them less and less as time goes on unless that is the main way you listen today.
Either way, ENJOY THE MUSIC!
Even the "open air" lighter Sennheiser ones bothered me after a few songs, and it was not the quality of the sound.
By all means go ahead and get them, but unless you love listening to headphones, realize that you will use them less and less as time goes on unless that is the main way you listen today.
Either way, ENJOY THE MUSIC!