Real world life expectancy of a high end cartridge?

While I know they’re supposed to last 1000 hours how many make it all that way?  

Question prompted by my brushing a knuckle on my AS Palladian this afternoon and trashing it ... lesson learned not to try tonearm adjustments without full access to the table (normally I move the table off the wall shelf to a more convenient location to make adjustments, but not this time 😬)

And doesn’t it just happen that the cost of a recipe/trade is exactly my deductible so even insurance is no help 😲

Anyway just needed to vent ... but anyone playing with these expensive baubles better be prepared to reup on a replacement at any moment 🤪
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Pleased to find out that when my Dynavector DV 20X2L cantilever finally died after 3000 hours and alcohol induced fumbling that Dynavector dealer gave me a good discount on a replacement trade in. Not sure if this is WW?
I love the way people argue rather than taking 5 minutes to check the facts readily available on line, e.g. Google for Walter Davies's patent on Stylast ...

As a funny coincidence the patents expires today July 6th 2019. This is his only patent in his name in this field and is quite easy to read. It seems to describe the product he went on to sell in rather different terms to those used in prior replies here and reading it may add fuel to the fire.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink!.......
ZYX R100 states 2000 hrs. I keep a log book of hours giving each album 0.75 hours each; assuming 45 minutes per album. Keep your needle, albums clean and alignment dialed in.
I currently have 1100 hrs on a SHURE V15Vx MR mounted on a VPI Scout original model.